Our Award-Winning Living Seas Youth Forum
We’re pleased to announce that our Living Seas Youth won the 'Youth Climate Change Champions' award at the Keep Wales Tidy Awards 2024 earlier this month!
Jon Hawkins, Surrey Hills Photography
We’re pleased to announce that our Living Seas Youth won the 'Youth Climate Change Champions' award at the Keep Wales Tidy Awards 2024 earlier this month!
We recently wrote to some of our members that pay by Standing Order about changing your payment method to Direct Debit.
Every autumn, young Manx Shearwaters fledge from Pembrokeshire's islands and fly off out to sea heading towards the South Atlantic. But every year, many end up stranded on the mainland after…
Brecon Local Group had a stunning day for their Go Wild for Wildlife family fun day in the grounds of Brecon Cathedral and in Priory Wood on 1st August.
We’ve recently received the sad news of the passing of Bob Bulgin BEM. The funeral to be held in his home town in Cornwall on the 6th September 2024.
Our Stand for Nature youth forums gathered from across Wales for one last time to send off the project with an action-packed event in Cardiff Bay.
WTSWW in partnership with other conservation organisations in South Wales have been working to bring the UK’s fastest declining mammal back to the River Thaw.
Thanks to the Nature Networks Fund, we were thrilled to be able to organise 4 fully-funded boat trips out to Skomer and Skokholm this year. Designed for disabled people, along with their carers…
Its been a busy couple of months for our Brecknock team!
Join us and composer Paul Shallcross for a truly enchanting musical evening at Brecon Cathedral.