A funny little fellow in his glossy black dinner jacket and crisp white bib, the puffin is instantly recognisable from its brightly coloured parrot-like bill. Puffins use their colourful bill to…
A funny little fellow in his glossy black dinner jacket and crisp white bib, the puffin is instantly recognisable from its brightly coloured parrot-like bill. Puffins use their colourful bill to…
Please help us care for our precious islands of Skomer and Skokholm and protect their wonderful wildlife!
Skomer Island welcomes back over 41,000 puffins as the annual seabird count reveals how their population is faring.
It's coming soon, keep an eye on our WTSWW social media pages for the official launch date!
Professional photographer Brian Matthews share his top tips for photographing puffins on Skomer Island.
Today, 17 August 2022, saw the next stage of our plan to replace the old Crab Bay Puffin hide with something really rather exciting, funded by the Nature Networks Fund.
Our island team have welcomed the return of the ‘clowns of the sea’ to Skomer and Skokholm islands, off the coast of Pembrokeshire, where populations are soaring.
Exciting news from Orchid Meadows in Tregaron!
It's been a busy month for our Breckncok team!
This mysterious little bird is known for its haunting call and was once mistaken for witches by pirates off the coast of Wales! They travel thousands of miles every year to nest in their hobbit-…
Keep up to date with the latest stories, research, projects and challenges as we work to tackle the climate and nature crisis.