Dod yn Aelod

Brown Hare Ox-eye Daisies summer

David Tipling/2020VISION

Dod yn Aelod

Ymunwch heddiw a gofalwch am fywyd gwyllt Cymru

Drwy aelodaeth byddwch yn ein galluogi i adfer caeau sych yn ddolydd llawn bywyd gwyllt, helpu rhywogaethau sy’n wynebu difodiant i ffynnu eto a rhoi llais pwerus i fyd natur.

Dyma beth fyddwch chi'n ei dderbyn:

  • Blaenoriaeth archebu ar gyfer aros dros nos ar Sgomer ac Ynys Sgogwm
  • Mynediad am ddim i’n holl warchodfeydd natur (ac eithrio Sgomer ac Ynys Sgogwm).
  • Parcio am ddim yng Nghanolfan Bywyd Gwyllt Cymru.
  • Ein cylchgrawn aelodaeth, Eich Cymru Wyllt, deirgwaith y flwyddyn.  
  • Gydag Aelodaeth Teuluol mae plant yn ymuno â Gwylio Bywyd Gwyllt yn awtomatig ac yn derbyn eu cylchgronau eu hunain yn llawn newyddion, crefftau, cystadlaethau a phosau bywyd gwyllt. Byddant yn cael pecyn croeso llawn sticeri a phosteri, llawlyfrau a mwy.
  •  Sticer car a diweddariadau e-bost rheolaidd.

Pecynnau Aelodaeth

Porwch ein pecynnau aelodaeth isod i ddod o hyd i'r un gorau i chi! 

  • Aelodaeth unigol - ar gyfer unigolion (yn seiliedig yn y DU).
  • Joint membership - for couples (based in UK).
  • Aelodaeth deuluol - ar gyfer rhiant(rhieni) a phlant o dan 16 oed (yn y DU). Mae plant yn awtomatig yn dod yn aelodau Gwylio Bywyd Gwyllt ac yn derbyn eu cylchgronau eu hunain
  • Aelodaeth iau - ar gyfer plant dan 12 (yn seiliedig yn y DU).
  • Aelodaeth gymdeithion - ar gyfer clybiau a grwpiau (yn y DU).
  • Aelodaeth ysgol - ar gyfer ysgolion a cholegau (wedi'u lleoli yn y DU).
  • Aelodaeth dramor - i unigolion neu gyplau sy’n byw y tu allan i’r DU. Bydd y ffurflen aelodaeth hon yn eich galluogi i fewnbynnu eich cyfeiriad yn gywir fel y gallwn anfon ein cylchgrawn aelodaeth atoch.
  • Aelodaeth Cyfeillion yr Ynysoedd - mae'r mudiad hwn yn cefnogi Sgomer ac Ynys Sgogwm trwy wirfoddoli a rhoddion. Gallwch ddod yn aelod o Ymddiriedolaeth Natur De a Gorllewin Cymru a Chyfeillion yr Ynysoedd, neu dim ond Cyfeillion yr Ynysoedd. 

Ymuno heddiw

Red squirrel eating a nut on the forest floor.
From £30.00 a year


For one person
From £36.00 a year


For two people
From £48.00 a year


For parent(s) and children under 16.
Children reading Watch
From £15.00 a year


For children under 12
people gardening
From £50.00 a year


For clubs and associations
From £100.00 a year


For schools and colleges

Aelodaeth dramor

A greenshank standing on a waterside rock


Aelodaeth Cyfeillion yr Ynysoedd

Puffin at the Wick on Skomer Island
From £37.00 a year


Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales + Friends of the Islands Membership for one person
The barns on Skomer
From £43.00 a year


Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales + Friends of the Islands Membership for two people
Puffin on Skomer
From £55.00 a year


Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales membership for parent(s) and children under 16 + Friends of the Islands Membership
Female Grey Seal
From £12.00 a year

Friends (only)

Friends of the Islands Membership for one person

Frequently Asked Questions

If I join when will I receive my membership pack?

We aim to get your pack to you within 10 working days.

Can I join if I don’t live in the UK?

Yes! We have members from all over the world that support our work. Overseas membership is for those that don’t have a UK address and can be for one or two adults at the same address. The increased rate helps cover the additional admin costs.

I am already a member but would like to purchase a years membership for a friend - is this possible?

Yes, let us know when completing your paper or online form that it is a gift and who it is for. We can either send the welcome pack to you if you would like to give it in person, or we can post directly to the recipient.

How can I pay for membership?

You can join online by PayPal or credit/debit card. You can also join over the phone by credit/debit card. Alternatively you can complete and sign a form to set up a regular monthly or annual Direct Debit payment. Please contact the membership office if you’d like a form to complete and pay by Direct Debit.

Will you automatically take another payment from me when my membership is due for renewal?

We don’t hold any PayPal or credit/debit card payment details once your initial payment is taken. When your membership is coming to the end of the 12 month period we will send you a renewal letter. This has all the information on how you can renew your membership if you wish to.

If you signed up for membership via Direct Debit the payment will continue until you cancel. We will send you a reminder before this happens, so you can amend or cancel the payment before it is taken. This follows the Direct Debit guarantee and is a safe way to pay for your subscription.

I would like to join but can’t really afford to pay £30 - can I pay monthly?

If you would like to support the Trust you don’t have to pay for the year up front. You could consider setting up a Direct Debit payment and pay £2.50 per month.

I want to join but would like to give a different amount - is this possible?

Yes, the amounts on the membership form are the minimum subscription rates. We welcome anyone who would like to pay more.

Why do you need my email address and telephone number?

We ask for this information in case we need to contact you about your membership. We do not pass this or any other information on to third parties. By giving us your email address you will also be able to receive our monthly e-newsletter which will keep you up to date on wildlife news and Trust events. You are able to unsubscribe if you do not wish to receive this information.

Can I get my pack and all future magazines via email instead?

Unfortunately, we are not able to currently offer our mailings via email. We hope this is something we can offer in the future. If you would like to become a member but would prefer not to receive any mail, please do let us know.

What is Friends of the Islands?

Friends of the Islands membership is different to Trust membership and has different benefits. Members of the Friends receive two newsletters throughout the year with information on the Skomer and Skokholm Island. You will also be invited to the Friends reunion which takes place once a year and is a chance for the Friends to meet up with some of the island staff and talk to them about the work they do. The money raised from Friends subscriptions goes directly to support the work on the islands.

Can I become a Friend as well as a Trust member?

Yes, and if you do so you will receive a £5 discount. For example, individual membership is £30 and Friends membership is £12, if you join both you only need pay £37. 

What is gift aid? What happens if I sign this part of the form?

If you are a UK tax payer then please sign the gift aid declaration. We can reclaim the tax paid on the money you give so that your support can achieve more. This does not cost you anything extra. Read more about Gift Aid.