Brecon Local Group Goes Wild

Brecon Local Group Goes Wild

Brecon Local Group had a stunning day for their Go Wild for Wildlife family fun day in the grounds of Brecon Cathedral and in Priory Wood on 1st August.

This initiative came from their aim to engage with a younger audience than the members who attend their talks and field visits.  Supported by Pauline, WTSWW People and Wildlife Officer for Brecknock, it started taking on a life of its own as other partner organisations came on-board and provided a diverse selection of activities.  Over 40 adults and 50 children took part during the day.  

Seeing the moths caught in the cathedral grounds with a light trap overnight delighted the children and adults alike.  Moth expert Norman Low was on hand to enthuse and identify them.  He was surprised and delighted with the variety caught, including the tiny migrant Diamondback moth.  Firm favourites with the children was the bright pink and green Elephant Hawkmoth and the large Poplar Hawkmoth. About 30 species of moth were recorded overall.   At least another 10 species of other insects and plants were also recorded.

Making pinecone bird feeders was another popular activity Children were also encouraged to express their love for wildlife by decorating and expressing thoughts on paper leaves. These were then attached to a willow arch under which wishes for nature were made. Other favourites included sitting with eggs at the Curlew spot, colouring and decorating bags to take home and using clip boards to fill in spotter sheets and butterfly identification surveys.

Brecon Local Group were also delighted to welcome Adele Nozedar, who came and inspired everyone with her expert knowledge of hedgerow foraging. There were also other walkabouts to visit the beautiful GreenMINDS Garden with its aromatic herbs and wildlife walks in the nearby ancient forest of Priory Grove.

Brecon Local Group would like to thank all who came and all the positive feedback. We are delighted to have been able to engage the next generation with our very special wild environment. The day would not have been possible without the amazing support of several organisations.

“It was a lovely day and great to see so many children engrossed in the activities.  Many young naturalists in the making!  Brecon Local Group have really helped WTSWW engage with many more people”  Pauline, WTSWW People & Wildlife Officer – Brecknock 

Special thanks go to Brecon Cathedral, WTSWW Teamwilder team, Brecon Beacons National Park, the Biodiversity Information Service, Brecon MIND,  Y Gaer Cultural Hub and Children, Youth & Families – Greater Brecon. Everyone worked so hard to make the day such a success.