Ex-Glamorgan and West Wales Wildlife Trust Members Standing Order Payers

Ex-Glamorgan and West Wales Wildlife Trust Members Standing Order Payers

We recently wrote to some of our members that pay by Standing Order about changing your payment method to Direct Debit.

Members that have been supporting us for many years may have originally joined Glamorgan Wildlife Trust or West Wales Wildlife Trust, setting up a regular Standing Order payment to accounts in those charity names.  These charities no longer exist and the bank accounts in the old Trusts’ names now need to be closed. The account closures are mandatory and as a result of advice from the Charity Commission.

We have received a great response so far and we would like to thank all of you that have already made the change to pay by Direct Debit.  If you originally joined either The Glamorgan Wildlife Trust or The West Wales Wildlife Trust and still pay us by Standing Order, please note the accounts you are paying in to will be closing in the coming months and your payments will cease. 

We need you to continue supporting The Wildlife Trust of South and Wales and our conservation work. Please switch to paying by Direct Debit; please either complete the form we have recently sent you, or contact the membership team who can assist you with any queries you may have and talk you through the changes.  Direct Debit payments save the Trust on administration fees and making changes to your payments is much easier. 

Payments made by Direct Debit are also covered by the Direct Debit guarantee (https://www.directdebit.co.uk/direct-debit-guarantee/), so is a much safer way to pay.  If you are unsure of how you currently pay, then please get in touch and we can check that for you. You can contact the membership team by emailing membership@welshwildlife.org or calling Tel: 01656 724100 (option 2).