Ross Hoddinott/2020VISION
Talley Lakes, Llandeilo
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open access reserve.Best time to visit
May-Aug, Jun-Aug, Oct-FebAbout the reserve
Mesotrophic/eutrophic lakes, fen, and wet woodland.
The reserve consists of two lakes lying in glacial hollows separated by a narrow neck of land. This neck of land contains a mound which is a Norman motte, scheduled by Cadw. A narrow canal allows water to flow from the upper lake to the lower, and allows the movement of fish and eels. The lower, northern lake extends for some 27 acres and exhibits a complete vegetational sequence from open water, through reedswamp to Alder and Willow carr. The lake is not easily accessible, and is thus ideal for overwintering wildfowl, breeding ducks, grebes and swans.
The upper, southern lake is almost 16 acres in extent and can be seen from nearby roads. In summer the flowers and floating leaves of the Yellow and White Water Lily are a striking feature, as is Water-crowfoot. Both Shoreweed and Bladder Sedge still occur, which were recorded back in 1773. Water Sedge is here at its most southerly location.
The lakes were once oligotrophic but are now subject to eutrophication, causing the loss of some plants. There is a bird hide between the two lakes.
Great Crested Grebes and Mute Swans regularly breed and Tufted Duck and Pochard visit. Goldeneye and Goosanders are also winter visitors. Scarce visitors have included Red-necked Grebe, Scaup, Smew, Whooper and Bewicks Swans as well as Flycatchers in the summer.
Locally important invertebrates such as Water Beetles occur and a leaf beetle Donacia obscura. Dragonflies are well represented, including Emperor Dragonfly. Otter spraint has been recorded.
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Vaughan Matthews