
Buttercups by Jon Hawkins, Surrey Hills Photography


Swimmers at Aberystwyth University next to a whiteboard with their distances

A Relay Race with a Porpoise

Aberystwyth University’s Swimming and Water Polo club took to the pool for an impressive 13-hour relay in aid of marine conservation in Cardigan Bay.

Trees submerged by murky floodwater water in Bute Park, Cardiff.

Climate Change on my Doorstep

Our Wilder Engagement Officer shares his thoughts on the recent flooding in South Wales, how climate change has affected him and how he's taking action in Cardiff.

A group of young people in a crowd at the March for Water event. They are holding a big banner which says 'our rivers, our future' and placards that read 'Save Our Taff'..

March for Water

Our Cardiff Stand for Nature forum took to the streets of London once again, this time calling for more action to clean up our waterways. Thousands flooded the streets, calling for more action to…

A redwing perched on a berry-laden branch

Birds on the move

For many birdwatchers, autumn is the most exciting time of year. But what are they so excited about?

Three flying ants flying low above the grass

Fascinating flying ants

Sara Booth-Card, ecologist, peatlands and Action For Insects campaigner at The Wildlife Trusts, looks out for the telltale signs of flying ant days and shares her love for the underground world of…

An orange lifeboat run aground on rocks below Skokholm Island.

Shipwreck on Skokholm

Lisa Morgan, Head of Islands and Marine, discusses the recent shipwreck on Skokholm Island and how incidents like this put seabirds at risk.

View of coastline on a sunny day.

Emma Explores Redley Cliff

My name is Emma, a Media student with a love for wildlife. I'm a mission to explore Swansea's nature reserves by (mostly) public transport!

