Nant Melin, Llandovery
in the upper Tywi catchment. The reserve forms part of the Cwm Doethie-Mynydd Mallaen Oakwoods Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open access reserveBest time to visit
Full seasonAbout the reserve
Ancient upland Oak woodland and waterfalls.
The reserve is made up of 2.4 ha of deciduous woodland and about 0.5 ha of rough pasture in the upper Tywi catchment. The woodland lies on the steep Nant Melin valley side, the wet pasture above lying on a much gentler slope.
The Nant Melin stream forms the eastern boundary flowing over a series of small but impressive waterfalls. Above the fence at the western end, the slope lessens, and the habitat changes to pasture, while a small stream marks the northern boundary, with two small fields beyond. Several wet flushes arise in these fields, and flow down to meet other springs which emerge in the woodland.
The canopy consists of Oak, Ash, Birch, Alder, Rowan, and Sycamore, with an understorey of Hazel. There are many rock outcrops in the wood, which are rich with ferns and bryophytes. Several plants of local distribution are found on this site, including Globeflower, Wood Horsetail, and Royal Fern.
The breeding birds include Blue Tit, Buzzard, Cuckoo, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Stock Dove, Pied Flycatcher, Spotted Flycatcher, Tawny Owl and Wood Warbler.