Matthew Roberts
Corporate Volunteering Packages
Wild Work Days for Individuals
We're pleased to see more workplaces supporting their employees to give something back to their local communities. Individual employees whose time has been released for volunteering can join in any of our nature reserve work parties (where the day is not fully subscribed). Find a work party near you!
Cost: There is no charge for this option.
Wild Work Days for Groups
We occasionally have larger conservation tasks that are suitable for a team. The task will depend on the nature reserve and the season but could include footpath maintenance or vegetation clearance. Bringing a group of employees out together is a great way to promote team work, boost morale and make a positive contribution to the environment. Your team will be guided through a practical management task that will benefit wildlife, visitors and your team members. No previous experience necessary - we provide all the equipment, training and supervision.
Cost: As a local environmental charity, we need to ensure that the work we do is sustainable and cost-effective. We need to charge for Wild Work Days to cover our staff time from planning to supervision of activities, provision of materials, tools, risk assessments and PPE. This ensures that the work that your staff do will be safe and of genuine benefit to local communities and the environment. The cost is £400 + VAT minimum for up to 6 people, and £50pp thereafter. We can also arrange lunch at an extra cost.
If you are interested in a Wild Work Day, please email the relevant Reserves Manager below to agree a suitable date and discuss the details.
- East Wales - Duncan Ludlow - d.ludlow@welshwildlife.org
- Swansea, Neath-Port Talbot & Carmarthenshire - Paul Thornton - p.thornton@welshwildlife.org
- West Wales - Nathan Walton - n.walton@welshwildlife.org