Wildlife Gardening - January

false - Jon Hawkins – Surrey Hills Photography

Wildlife Gardening Tips for January

Prepare for the bird breeding season

This month, concentrate on getting ready for the bird breeding season.

Clean bird feeders & boxes 

Start by spring cleaning any bird feeders or existing nest boxes that you have up to prevent spread of disease. Empty out any old nests and other material, then use a mild detergent to disinfect the box. This will help prevent disease and infection in birds that choose to nest here. Make sure this is done as early as possible.

Set up nest boxes

If you don’t have any up already, consider putting bird boxes up in your garden. You can buy good quality boxes from many suppliers, or if you are feeling crafty, you can make your own using the dimensions shown here. Make sure you use untreated wood. Site boxes 3-5m above the ground, on houses, sheds or trees, out of direct sunlight and away from the prevailing wind. When feeding the birds, avoid peanuts from now on as they can cause illness and even fatalities in chicks.

Blue Tit

© Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Meadow management

Order seed for a wildflower meadow. This could be a small bed or a whole field depending on what suits you! You can order ready-made seed mixes, including grasses and wildflowers such as Oxeye Daisies.

Tree planting

Plant berrying and fruiting deciduous trees – a mixture of native and non-natives works well e.g. Elder, Guelder Rose, Rowan, Hawthorn.