Red Squirrel Audio Trail

Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) jumping, Cairngorms National Park, Scotland. - Peter Cairns/2020VISION

Red Squirrel Audio Trail

Join Iolo Williams for an audio adventure!

Explore our new Red Squirrel Trail through the beautiful Tywi Forest and beyond! Our audio tour, narrated by Welsh naturalist and presenter Iolo Williams, will guide you along the route. You can listen along as you walk to learn about the area and our Mid-Wales Red Squirrel Project. You can also enjoy the route with our video version!

Filmed & edited by Grace Hunt

The route

The route is 5km long and of moderate-strenuous difficulty level and takes 1-2 hours. Parts of the trail are muddy, steep and uneven so may be unsuitable for children or those with limited mobility. 

A map showing the 9 points of the red squirrel trail

How to take part

1.  Download the audio files below. There are nine different chapters to listen to at nine points along the route. 

2. Take a screenshot of the map and trail points below.  

3. Head to Strata Florida to start the walk. There is free parking available on site. 

4. Walk to point 1 and start listening! 

Audio Trail

Trail Points

Follow the directions below to complete our Red Squirrel Audio Trail. 

Start by parking at Strata Florida Abbey (Abbey Rd, Ystrad Fflur, Ystrad Meurig SY25 6ES). 

Point 1. Go back around the buildings along the road and turn left through the gate up beside the stream. Listen to Point 1 here. Then follow the track between the stream and the wall until you reach a wooden footbridge (this section can be quite wet).

Point 2: Listen to Point 2 here, then cross the bridge and follow the stream, keeping it on your left until it branches off. Continue on the bridleway up the hill to a gate. 

Point 3: Go through the gate and follow the bridleway across the open ground (this section can be quite boggy) until you reach another gate taking you back into woodland.

Point 4: Start listening to Point 3, go through the gate and follow the path up into the forestry, listening to Point 4 on this section. When you reach the track, turn left and follow it along until you see a path heading up on your right (you will re-join this track later on).

Point 5: Have a break at the top of the hill to listen to Point 5, then follow the bridleway out of the forest and turn right, heading back into the forest to re-join the track. Then turn left.

Point 6: Take the footpath to your left, which takes you off downhill off the forest track. You will reach a crossing of two paths, pause here to listen to Point 6. Then continue straight until you reach a wooden gate taking you out of the forest. Turn right at the gate and follow the fence, keeping it on your right. Go through another gate by a large oak tree and follow the fence line downhill, now keeping it on your left until you reach another gate.

Point 7: You are now at the top of Coed y Bont Community wood. Listen to Point 7 here. There are a number of paths through the woods, you can either follow the main path downhill ahead of you, or take the path downhill to the right and explore through the woods. These routes re-join lower down in the wood, just before the final information point of this trail.

Point 8: Whichever path you take, you’ll end up on the main track. Listen to the final clip (Point 8) on this section. Turn right onto the track around the lower section of Coed y Bont to head out of the woods, towards the road.

Point 9: From here you can turn right onto the road and walk back to Strata Florida Abbey. 

Heritage fund logo

The Mid Wales Red Squirrel Project (Healthy Reds) is run by The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales. The project aims to find out more about the fragile population of Red squirrels in Mid-Wales. The project has been enabled thanks to a ÂŁ247,100 award from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.