Toasting the Swifts In Brecon!

Toasting the Swifts In Brecon!

The Brecon Swift Group are working on an exciting new project funded by the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Nature Partnership and supported by Pauline Hill, WTSWW's People and Wildlife Officer.

The Swift Group have joined forces with the Brecon Frazz Parade Team to make Swifts a central theme for the Brecon Frazz Parade on Saturday 10th August, 2pm.  

They are also working with businesses and homeowners to put boxes up on their buildings.  The Frazz Parade celebrates Brecon Fringe and Brecon Jazz Festival, as music of all genres fills the town all weekend.  Brecon Swift group has come together to help safeguard these amazing birds and the aim of the project is to raise awareness of swifts around Brecon.

Already Brecon Swift Group has joined the Frazz Parade Team at a family activity day to celebrate the arrival of swifts back to Brecon involving crafts, storytelling and music making – and the launch of a specially brewed Swift Beer! Llangors Left Bank Brewery has teamed up with the Swift Group to create the beer, including ‘Fonio’, an ancient grain from Africa.  

This neatly links the beer to the journey the swifts make every year, travelling from their feeding grounds in southern Africa to breed in the UK. The beer will be available in from Brecon Tap,  the Red Lion, Llangors and bottles sold in Llangors Village Shop.  Like the swifts, it’s only here for a precious few weeks, so make sure you sample it soon! 

Look out for the beautifully designed beer mats, information leaflets and children’s story of Elfys the Brecon Swift.

Pauline Hill, People and Wildlife Officer

Swift Beer Mats

Swift Beer Mats