March updates with the Green Connections Powys team!

March updates with the Green Connections Powys team!

Our Wildlife Trust stuff in Brecknock, who are leading our Green Connections Powys project have recently helped local landowners increase biodiversity on their small holding. Here's a update on how it went by our People and Wildlife Officer, Pauline Hill.

WTSWW were really pleased to be able to help landowners Dan and Annabel increase biodiversity at their small holding. A team of willing neighbours and volunteers from the Brecon Local Group of WTSWW planted over 200m of double width hedge and woodland extensions. 

This project has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.

Green Connections Powys was able to purchase the trees grown in the UK from UK sourced seed.  A variety of species were chosen which are all found in the local area.  The hedge and woodland will be managed sensitively for wildlife providing a plenty of berries, fruit, nuts and acorns. 

Just as we were finishing up for the day the heavens opened so they got a good watering in! 

WTSWW have been working with Dan and Annabel since April 2021.  In July, we held a Species Recording Day where county recorders for moths, botany, lichens, mammals and reptiles searched around the farm for evidence of as many species as possible.  Around 80 species of moths were recorded and 100 species of plants. This data will give a baseline so that it will be possible to measure increased biodiversity in the future.

In February 2021, a team of volunteers and WTSWW staff helped Dan to restore a choked pond by clearing a large amount of vegetation from it. A few clumps of frogspawn were present in the pond already.  These were lifted out into a bucket under the watchful eye of licensed amphibian expert Val Bradley and replace once we had finished.

Hedge planting

Roedd hi’n bleser mawr gan Ymddiriedolaeth Natur De a Gorllewin Cymru-Brycheiniog allu helpu tirfeddianwyr, Dan ac Annabel, i gynyddu bioamrywiaeth ar eu tyddyn.  Bu tîm o gymdogion a gwirfoddolwyr cymwynasgar o Grŵp Lleol Aberhonddu o’r Ymddiriedolaeth yn plannu dros 200m o wrych lled dwbl ac estyniadau coetirol.  Roedd hyn oll yn bosibl trwy brosiect Cysylltiadau Gwyrdd Powys.  Mae’r prosiect hwn wedi derbyn arian trwy Raglen Cymunedau Gwledig – Datblygu Gwledig 2014-2020 Llywodraeth Cymru, sy’n cael ei hariannu gan Gronfa Amaethyddol Ewrop ar gyfer Datblygu Gwledig a Llywodraeth Cymru.

Roedd Cysylltiadau Gwyrdd Powys wedi gallu prynu’r coed a oedd wedi’u tyfu yn y DU o hadau yn tarddu o’r DU.  Dewiswyd amrywiaeth o rywogaethau a oedd i gyd i’w cael yn yr ardal leol.  Caiff y gwrych a’r coetir eu rheoli’n sensitif ar gyfer bywyd gwyllt, gan ddarparu digonedd o fwyar, ffrwythau, cnau a mes. 

Fel roedden ni’n gorffen am y diwrnod, fe agorodd y nefoedd felly cawson nhw i gyd hen ddigon o ddŵr! 

Rydyn ni wedi bod yn gweithio gyda Dan ac Annabel ers mis Ebrill 2021.  Fis Gorffennaf, gwnaethon ni gynnal Diwrnod Cofnodi Rhywogaethau pan fu cofnodwyr y sir ar gyfer gwyfynod, botaneg, cennau, mamaliaid ac ymlusgiaid yn chwilio o amgylch y fferm am dystiolaeth o gynifer o rywogaethau â phosibl.  Cofnodwyd 80 rhywogaeth o wyfynod a 100 rhywogaeth o blanhigion.  Bydd y data hyn yn rhoi llinell sylfaen fel y bydd yn bosibl mesur cynnydd bioamrywiaeth yn y dyfodol.

Fis Chwefror 2021, bu tîm o wirfoddolwyr a staff yr Ymddiriedolaeth yn helpu Dan i adfer y pwll tagedig trwy glirio swm mawr o lystyfiant ohono.  Roedd yna ambell glwstwr o rifft y broga eisoes yn y pwll.  Codwyd y rhain allan i fwced dan wyliadwriaeth agos Val Bradley, arbenigwr amffibiaid trwyddedig, a’u dychwelyd unwaith roedden ni wedi gorffen.


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