Four Rivers for LIFE project at Llangloffan Fen Nature Reserve
All four rivers are currently in an unfavourable condition as a result of multiple pressures.
A total of 776km of river will be improved in mid and south Wales over the next four years. The project will aim to restore the rivers to a better condition.
The rivers support several habitats and species from bogs and floodplains to fish, otter, freshwater pearl mussel and floating water plantain. These habitats and species are all threatened, and some are at risk of disappearing in Wales.
The project will use long term nature-based solutions to improve the ecological quality of the four rivers such as improving accessibility for migratory fish, improving habitat structure and function, and improving water quality.
At Llangloffan Fen, which is at the head of the western Cleddau river, work has recently been undertaken to help re-naturalise the stream that passes through the center of the reserve and restore natural processes. A good number of woody structures, mostly large root plates, have been placed within the stream to help slow down water flow and force water into areas to encourage the natural re-meandering of the water course. This helps increase and maintain water levels on the reserve whilst also preventing flooding further down the catchment.
With all the rain we have had, the structures are proving that they work with water levels much higher than before and areas of the reserve not previously flooded, now becoming wetter. This enhances the open water and fen features of the reserve and the species dependent on them.
As a result of this work, some of the permissive footpath that passes on the far side of the reserve is now much wetter and often floods so work will be done in the near future to help rectify this by installing small sections of boardwalk or redirecting the path.
We are extremely grateful to Natural Resources Wales who undertook the project management of this work and who we continue to work closely with.