Garne Turn Rocks
The reserve comprises unimproved acidic grassland containing a collapsed cromlech with outlying stones and a chamber tomb
Andy Rouse/2020VISION
35 results
The reserve comprises unimproved acidic grassland containing a collapsed cromlech with outlying stones and a chamber tomb
The reserve comprises the western end of one of the largest remaining floodplains or valley mires in Wales, supporting tall fen, fen meadow, wet heath and carr communities and associated species.…
A wetland reserve comprising the western end of one of the largest remaining floodplains in Wales
An alder carr remnant, part of a once more widespread wood
This Alder carr remnant has developed over the deep, poorly drained peaty soils of the valley floor and is a good example of a once much more widespread woodland type, that existed on poorly…
Reed bed, flood plain mire, carr, scrub, and a complex network of ditches.
A predominantly wetland reserve, lying between two small streams
A well drained oak woodland with a typical ground flora and fine species of orchid
Old railway line surrounded on its western side by woodland and to the east by a 20 acre lake.
An old railway line surrounded by woodland and a 20 acre lake.
114 results