Teifi Marshes

Teifi Marshes

Teifi Marshes

The stunning Teifi Marshes is one of the best wetland sites in Wales, with over wintering birds including thousands of starlings coming in to roost and performing a glorious murmuration over the marshes before descending to roost.


North Pembrokeshire.

OS Map Reference

Main entrance: SN187430, Site centre: SN184455

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A static map of Teifi Marshes

Know before you go

107 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Disabled parking by The Welsh Wildlife Centre.


Bus numbers 430 and 390 from Cardigan stop in Cilgerran village.

At the end of Cilgerran village, heading towards Cardigan, take the right turn just before the bridge, and take the long single track to the car park and visitor centre. There is also pedestrian access along the river from Cardigan.


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Visitor centre
Bird hides
Picnic area
Accessible toilet
Disabled parking
Accessible trails

When to visit

Opening times

All year excluding national holidays.

Best time to visit

All year

About the reserve

The reserve is situated on the floor of the wide pre-glacial channel left by the former course of the Teifi and now occupied by the river Piliau, which meanders through the marshes in a narrow but deceptively deep cut. A range of habitats is supported, from open pasture and well wooded hedgerows, through Alder and Willow carr, freshwater marsh with open pools and reedbeds to tidal mudbanks.

Flooding is extensive in winter, when the area attracts large numbers of wildfowl, notably Teal, Wigeon and Mallard.

Water Rail are present in winter in considerable numbers, and other regular winter visitors include Snipe, Curlew and Lapwing. Peregrines hunt over the marshes.

Breeding birds include Reed, Sedge and Cetti’s Warblers and both Whitethroats, Shelduck and Moorhen. Herons also breed nearby.

Otters are present in the marshes, Water Shrews are numerous and Sika and Red Deer are now present. Fish species include Lamprey, Stickleback, Mullets, Eel, Sewin and Salmon. Frogs and Toads are numerous and both Grass Snakes and Adders are present on the reserve.

The rich assemblage of dragonflies include Emperor, Broad-bodied Chaser, Southern Hawker and Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly.

Water Buffalo are used to graze the site at certain times of the year.

Additional facilities: The Welsh Wildlife Centre is situated here, which includes the brilliant Glasshouse Cafe. This serves up gorgeous homemade and seasonal food. There is also our entertaining adventure playground and a gift shop; and, if you fall in love with this reserve as much as we have, then there is the lovely Oak Tree Cottage to stay at.

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Teifi Marshes Nature Reserve and pond

G Gavigan

a kingfisher on a branch

Joshua Copping


Welsh Wildlife Centre

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