Glasbury Cutting will be closed to the public for a week from 27th January 2025 for tree work (ash dieback).

Hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius), Terry Whittaker/2020VISION
Glasbury Cutting
Nearest town: Glasbury. Post code HR3 5NS.
OS Map Reference
Main entrance: SO 185 395View on What3Words

Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open access reserve.Best time to visit
All yearAbout the reserve
Nature has now taken over and the embankments have become wooded with trees such as silver birch, ash and hazel. The embankment at southwestern end is cleared of vegetation to provide a home for meadow plants such as cowslips, oxslips and primroses.
In 2000 dormice were discovered at Glasbury Cutting for the first time. You are unlikely to see this golden brown creature moving about in the tree canopy, as it is nocturnal. However, it does leave clues – when feeding on hazelnuts, it gnaws a very neat and distinctive circular hole in the nut.
Brownfield, Lowland Meadows, Lowland Mixed Deciduous Woodland, Ponds
Ash, Blue Tit, Bramble, Cock's foot, Common Shrew, Cowslip, Dormouse, False Oat-grass, Great Tit, Green-winged Orchid, Hazel, Knapweed, Oxeye Daisy, Primrose, Ribwort Plantain, Silver Birch, Wood Mouse, Clearwing Moth.

Clearwing Moth. Credit: Stephanie Coates