Seashore Safari

WildNet - Matthew Roberts

Seashore Safari

Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre, Patent Slip Building, Glanmor Terrace, New Quay , SA45 9PS
Join our #MarineConservation Team for a Seashore Safari! Ymunwch â’n tîm #CadwraethForol ar gyfer Safári Arfordir!

Event details


3:00pm - 4:30pm
A static map of Seashore Safari

About the event

We’ll be exploring the rockpools searching for crabs, fish, anemones, marine snails and more 

 Ticket cost: £4 per child

All ages welcome! Under 18's to be accompanied by an adult. Please wear suitable footwear, outdoor clothing and bring a drink with you! 

Buy your tickets here

Cancellation Policy - tickets can only be refunded if the cancellation is made two days before the day of the event. If the event is cancelled by the CBMWC team you will receive a full refund, not including the Eventbrite fee.

Our events are supported by the Nature Networks Fund 


 Byddwn yn archwilio'r pyllau creigiog i chwilio am grancod, pysgod, anemonïau, malwod môr a mwy! 

 Cost tocyn: £4 y plentyn

Croeso i bob oed! Rhaid i rai o dan 18 fod yng nghwmni oedolyn. Dewch â dillad addas ar gyfer yr awyr agored, esgidiau priodol, a diod gyda chi! 

Cefnogir ein digwyddiadau gan y Gronfa Rhwydweithiau Natur 

Prynwch eich tocynnau yma

Polisi Canslo – Dim ond os caiff y canslo ei wneud dau ddiwrnod cyn diwrnod y digwyddiad y gellir ad-dalu tocynnau. Os caiff y digwyddiad ei ganslo gan dîm CBMWC, byddwch yn derbyn ad-daliad llawn, heb gynnwys ffi Eventbrite.