My legacy
Aidan is passionate about this wetland oasis which he helped safeguard from development in the 80s. It’s his childhood playground, where he spent many happy days of discovery. Now, he loves…
Aidan is passionate about this wetland oasis which he helped safeguard from development in the 80s. It’s his childhood playground, where he spent many happy days of discovery. Now, he loves…
Last month our Parc Slip team and dedicated volunteers were delighted to welcome ITV Coast and Country to film on the reserve and find out about our important habitat conservation work, highland…
WTSWW's Resilient Grasslands Project has made lots of progress over the past few months which has enabled our WTSWW team to combine traditional skills and practices with new innovative…
Natural Resources Wales Funded Survey Uncovers Diverse Saproxylic Invertebrate Community in Castle Woods Nature Reserve.
Unlike blanket bog, which smothers vast tracts of the uplands, raised bogs are discrete entities, often individually named, and are mostly found within agricultural landscapes in the lowlands.
This past year the Trust has been working with Cardiff Local Nature Partnership (LNP) to improve biodiversity in polluted, urbanised areas of Cardiff using Green Walls.
Ffrwd farm mire is a wetland reserve in south Carmarthenshire. It is a lovely mix of fen, wet ditches, reed bed, and alder/ willow carr woodland. It is home to an abundance of wetland species…
These wild, open landscapes stretch over large areas and are most often found in uplands. Although slow to awaken in spring, by late summer heathland can be an eye-catching purple haze of heather…