Atlantic hazel wood
Ancient places with a magical feel, these are the Celtic rainforests of the rocky western coasts. Only found close to the sea, abundant rainfall and sea mists keep them moist - ideal for the…
Ancient places with a magical feel, these are the Celtic rainforests of the rocky western coasts. Only found close to the sea, abundant rainfall and sea mists keep them moist - ideal for the…
Juliet Sargeant was first inspired by nature as a child: when she’s working, her mind often wanders back to playing in the woods with her friends.
She left a career in medicine to train as…
We recently wrote to some of our members that pay by Standing Order about changing your payment method to Direct Debit.
The beautiful pink and white bands of a Painted topshell make it easy to see where this little sea snail got its name!
This brilliant red and white sea slug would make the perfect nudibranch for a Christmas card image or perhaps a football team mascot!
Our reserves in Brecknock have received funding to improve access, including the installation of some new gates.
Madison's #WILDFundraiser event took place in the Afan Valley, raising funds for our 30x30 work.
My wild life started before I was old enough to walk, being regularly taken by my mother across the Epsom Downs to enjoy fresh air. Moving to rural Staffordshire aged 3, I was incredibly lucky to…
One of the UK’s smallest and most delicate sea snails and an absolute favourite find for avid shell collectors when washed upon the shore empty!
A pretty, little gull, the kittiwake can be spotted nesting in colonies on clifftops and rock ledges around the UK's coast. It spends the winter out at sea.
Also known as the flat topshell, these are one of the most common and colourful sea snails you are likely to see when out on a rockpool safari!