Pengelli Forest
Pengelli Forest is part of the largest block of ancient Oak woodland in west Wales! Status NNR. This reserve is notified as the Pengelli Forest and Pant-Teg Wood SSSI, which in turn is part of the…
Marsh frog
Europe's largest frog is not naturally found in the UK, but was introduced to Kent and has spread throughout the southeast.
Sessile oak
The Sessile oak is so-called because its acorns are not held on stalks like those of the familiar English oak. It can be found in woodlands mainly in the north and west of the UK.
Aberdare Volunteer Days
Volunteer with our practical work parties at Pwch Waun Cynon Nature Reserve.
Common puffball
This common fungus puffs out clouds of spores when it's mature.
Teifi Marshes Wildlife Watch Group
Monthly group for 7-12 year olds that are interested in nature and wildlife
Snow bunting
Only a few pairs of snow bunting breed here, so look out for this striking black-and-white bird in winter around Scotland, the North West and the East coast of England.
Sand dunes
Sand dunes are places of constant change and movement. Wander through them on warm summer days for orchids, bees and other wildlife, or experience the forces of nature behind their creation - the…
Temperate rainforest
Luscious temperate rainforest once covered vast areas of the British Isles, but now only fragments remain in the west. These areas of rainforest are also known as Atlantic woodland or Celtic…
Atlantic salmon
The Atlantic salmon spends most of its life at sea, but makes an epic journey back to the river or stream in which it hatched to spawn. Look out for it in freshwater rivers in the north and west…