The redwing is a winter visitor, enjoying the feast of seasonal berries the UK's hedgerows, gardens and parks have to offer. Look out for the distinctive orangey-red patches under its wings…
The redwing is a winter visitor, enjoying the feast of seasonal berries the UK's hedgerows, gardens and parks have to offer. Look out for the distinctive orangey-red patches under its wings…
Corol Knight, seasonal volunteer at Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife centre reflects on her volunteer experience!
Over the past few months, our team at the Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre (CBMWC) has continued the meticulous task of analysing photo identification photographs of bottlenose dolphins and…
The Mid Wales Red Squirrel Partnership (MWRSP) has announced that it is expanding its focal site to include Cwm rhaeadr and Upper Tywi. This increased area represents an important step in…
The spread of Ash Dieback in the UK has been rapid and unstoppable all due to the pathogenic stage in the life cycle of an obscure cup fungus. Seed collection from resistant Ash trees is an…
Its been a busy couple of months for our Brecknock team!
This past year the Trust has been working with Cardiff Local Nature Partnership (LNP) to improve biodiversity in polluted, urbanised areas of Cardiff using Green Walls.
Living in the rocky uplands of mid Wales, Emma regularly walks her farm checking not only on the livestock but seeing the seasonal changes in the wildlife and landscape too. The upland habitats of…
Oyster mushrooms are shell shaped fungi that grow in tiers or fabulous clusters on dead trees or stumps. Unlike many fungi, these mushrooms are not seasonal and can be found all year round,…
Stephen walks around his local patch once or twice a week throughout the year. He looks and listens carefully to discover the wild creatures hidden in the reedbed and surrounding woods.