Ring ouzel
The blackbird of the mountains, ring ouzels can be found breeding on upland moors and rocky crags in summer.
The blackbird of the mountains, ring ouzels can be found breeding on upland moors and rocky crags in summer.
During the breeding season, the common tern can be seen around our coasts and also inland at gravel pits, reservoirs and lakes. It nests in noisy colonies and can be spotted plunge-diving for fish…
Er ei fod braidd yn swil, mae’r mamal morol rhyfeddol yma i’w weld yn agos at y lan mewn dyfroedd bas. Os byddwch chi’n llwyddo i fynd yn agos ato, cofiwch wrando am y sŵn ‘pwffian’ uchel mae’n ei…
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The mountain hare lives in the Scottish Highlands and the north of England. They are renowned for turning white in winter to match their upland surroundings.
The loud 'peep-ing' call of an oystercatcher is a recognisable and familiar sound of the seashore. Look out for it hunting on rocky and muddy shores for shellfish to eat. It can also be…
A breeding bird of fast-flowing, upland rivers, the grey wagtail can also be seen in lowland areas, farmyards and even towns in winter.
Coastal habitats are found wherever the land meets the sea. With some 17,800km, the UK has one of the longest national coastlines in Europe. The coast is home to many habitats, with cliffs, rocky…
A summer visitor, the wheatear is a handsome chat, with black cheeks, white eyestripes, a blue back and a pale orange chest. Look for it on upland heaths and moors.
Oligotrophic-mesotrophic lake, upland heathland and mire. Natural upland lake, 300 m above sea level.
The raven is famous for being the imposing, all-black bird that guards the Tower of London. Wild birds live in forests, and upland and coastal areas in the north and west of the UK.