Lucky finds from rabbit hole re-write prehistory of Skokholm Island!
Chance finds dating back 9000 years tell a new story of Skokholm Island, Pembrokeshire.
Port Eynon Point, Port Eynon, Swansea
Sea cliff, foreshore, limestone grassland, heathland, secondary Ash woodland, and quarries. Part of the South Gower Coast SSSI, which in turn is part of the European Natura 2000 site, the…
Common cow-wheat
Common cow-wheat is a delicate annual that brightens up the edges of acid woodland and heaths with deep golden flowers in the summer.
Big Wild Walk
Island Bookings 2025
Soft brome
Soft brome is a tall, annual grass of roadside verges, waste ground and meadows, and is a 'weed' of arable land. It has long, grey-green leaves and loosely clustered flower spikes.
Taith Gerdded Wyllt Fawr 2023
Skomer remains a stronghold for Puffin populations
Skomer Island welcomes back over 41,000 puffins as the annual seabird count reveals how their population is faring.
Thrill of sea creature discoveries in 2022 undermined by huge threats to marine life
The Wildlife Trusts’ annual marine review reflects on the ebb and flow of sightings and successes – and the risks to wildlife around UK shores.
Sedger’s Bank, Port Eynon, Gower
Rocky foreshore, beach, and relict sand dune grassland. Part of the South Gower Coast SSSI, which in turn is part of the European Natura 2000 site, the Limestone Sea Cliffs of South West Wales SAC…
Greater Butterfly Orchid Count
We are delighted to report a bumper number of greater butterfly orchids this year at Carmel Nature Reserve.