Drostre Wood
Drostre Wood
Drostre Wood is a small mixed deciduous woodland containing oak and birch. Below the canopy of the tallest trees there is a wide range of smaller tree species including aspen, elder, yew, hawthorn, blackthorn and rowan, with shrubs such as holly and honeysuckle.
Know before you go
When to visit
Amseroedd agor
The nature reserve is open access.Amser gorau i ymweld
SpringAm dan y warchodfa
The floor of the wood is dominated by mosses but in areas where this vegetation is less dense, species such as yellow archangel, herb robert, wood-sorrel, and bluebell can be seen. Alongside a small stream that runs across the reserve from west to east just inside the northern boundary, there are wetter areas with a variety of rush species, willows and opposite-leaved golden-saxifrage.
Dead wood, whether as standing trees or rotting on the woodland floor, is a valuable feature. It is a habitat for large numbers of fungi including the birch polypore and scarlet elf cup. It is relied upon by invertebrates, such as the lesser stag beetle, for nesting, hibernation and food.