Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) in sesile oak forest Wales - Andy Rouse/2020VISION
Cwm Clettwr, Tre’r-ddôl, Ceredigion
Know before you go
When to visit
Amseroedd agor
Open access reserveAmser gorau i ymweld
Spring, summer and autumnAm dan y warchodfa
The reserve can be divided into two principal areas, a large area of regenerating broadleaf woodland with heath pockets, and the section of more mature broadleaf woodland that is notified SSSI.
The regenerating/heathy area was previously Hemlock plantation, which was clear-felled in 2000. This is now dominated by Heather and Gorse with significant Birch regeneration. Some broadleaf species have also been planted to encourage the regeneration process.
In the mature broadleaf compartment, the canopy is dominated by Sessile Oak, which show signs of being old coppice, the bark probably being used in tanning. The herb layer is a typically poor calcifuge flora.
A proportion of the wood is almost pure Ash on the more base rich soils and the ground flora is much more diverse including such plants as Dog’s Mercury, Toothwort, Smooth-stalked Sedge, Sweet Woodruff, and Yellow Archangel.
Due to the locally humid atmosphere, Polypody Fern grows on many of the trees, and although the reserve is rich in flowering plants, ferns such as Oak Fern, and Beech Fern occur. It is also particularly rich in bryophytes and lichens.
The breeding bird assemblage, typical of these sorts of habitats, includes Dipper, Grey Wagtail, Nuthatch, Pied Flycatcher, Redstart, Sparrowhawk and Wood Warbler.

Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) adult male perched in woodland setting, Scotland, UK - Mark Hamblin/2020VISION