19th Nov – Birds of a feather – Mick Brown

false - Vaughn Matthews (please tag @vaughnmatthews8 if using on Instagram and @vaughnmatthews2 if using on Twitter)

19th Nov – Birds of a feather – Mick Brown

Foundry House Community Centre, The Commons, Pembroke. SA71 4DR
Join our South Pembrokeshire Local Group for an evening talk from well know naturalist Mick Brown called "Birds of a Feather". Mick will explain the role of feathers throughout history for both birds and mankind.

Event details


7:30pm - 7:30pm
A static map of 19th Nov – Birds of a feather – Mick Brown

Ynglŷn â'r digwyddiad

Start time is 7:30pm doors open 7:15pm 

Admission £2.50, (cards accepted)  Refreshments included, + raffle

Contact us

Alan Hare
Cysylltu e-bost: alanhare22@yahoo.co.uk