Hedgehog Ecology and Conservation - a talk by Dr Dan Forman

Two hedgehogs, nose to nose

Image by Janet Hawkins

Hedgehog Ecology and Conservation - a talk by Dr Dan Forman

St Hilary's Church Hall, 481A Gower Road,
Swansea, SA2 7DZ
Hedgehog numbers have been in decline but mammals expert Dr Forman will tell how a new strategy for recovery could help them thrive

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7:15pm - 9:00pm
Grwp lleol
A static map of Hedgehog Ecology and Conservation - a talk by Dr Dan Forman

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The WTSWW Swansea group is privileged to host a talk by Dr Forman, who is a leading expert on the mammals of Wales, Chair of the British Wildlife Rehabilitation Council and Associate Professor in Biosciences at Swansea University.

He will tell how the spiny, curious and loveable creatures that were once common in our gardens and wild areas are now, shockingly, in decline and listed as “vulnerable.”

But the UK’s first National Conservation Strategy for Hedgehogs, launched recently by leading wildlife charities is designed to help everyone from councils, farmers, landowners and householders to take action to support hedgehogs.

The Strategy identifies key threats to hedgehogs including habitat fragmentation and the decrease in their natural invertebrate prey - and tells how to overcome those threats.

It acts as a framework for policymakers, conservationists, landowners, farmers and communities to collaborate to save hedgehogs from further decline and boost their numbers.

The State of Britain’s Hedgehogs 2022 report showed that in rural areas, hedgehogs have declined by 50% since the millennium. The picture for urban hedgehogs, whose numbers fell by 30% since 2000 is more encouraging. Their numbers may be starting to recover thanks to the public who have made their gardens and local green spaces into hedgehog havens.

Dan will be revealing how these secretive nocturnal mammals live and what they need to survive and thrive. He’ll also be advising on ways we can all take part in helping hedgehog decline - whether we have gardens or not!

The talk will take place in St Hilary’s Church Community Hall, Gower Road, Killay.  Please book via Eventbrite as places are limited. 

Doors open at 7.15pm for refreshments before the talk starts at 7.30pm.

We request a donation from adults of at least £1 to help cover expenses and we have a card machine. No dogs except guide dogs or assistance dogs, thank you.

The hall has disabled parking bays nearby, and is fully accessible with accessible toilets.




Suggested donation

At least £1 per adult

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The hall is fully accessible with parking nearby


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Use car park by the church. There is additional on-street parking nearby.


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