Skomer Young Birders' Week 2024 - SOLD OUT

A group of young people stand on the jetty steps. They are smiling and posing with a large painting of the island.

Young Birders' Week 2023 Group - © Skomer VO

Skomer Young Birders' Week 2024 - SOLD OUT

Wedi'i archebu'n llawn
Young Birders' Week is back for 18-25 year olds in 2024 with two 3 night sessions between 05.09.2024 and 11.09.2024 - £50/person (plus boat fee TBC).

Event details


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Ynglŷn â'r digwyddiad

Young Birders' Week is back in 2024 on the following dates:

Thursday 5th September - Sunday 8th September

Sunday 8th September - Wednesday 11th September

Join the Skomer team and a group of like-minded young people (aged 18-25) for three days of adventure on Skomer Island. Whether you're an expert birder, a novice reptile lover or just enjoy the feel of island life, there's a place for all young naturalists on this trip. 

From Skomer Voles to Manx Shearwater chick weighing, guided walks to seal watching, expect three days full of wildlife watching at a heavily subsidised rate of £50 per person (excluding boat fee TBC).

To read all about last year’s event and see whether it's for you, please check out the blog below:

2023 YBW Blog 


Rhif ffôn

01656 724100

Pris / rhodd

£50 per person (excluding boat fee TBC)

Gwybodaeth archebu ychwanegol

Please call the booking office on 01656 724100 (Monday-Friday, 9am-12pm and 1pm-4.30pm) or if you are hard of hearing, bookings can be taken by email (

Yn addas ar gyfer

Oedolion, Arbenigwyr, Dechreuwyr

Know before you go


Ni chaniateir cŵn


Skomer Island is only accessible by a set of 87 steps from the landing stage. Most paths are flat with some steep sections. 

Please get in touch if you are unsure whether this event will be suitable for you.

Beth i'w ddod

A packing list and information booklet will be sent out nearer the time.


Gwybodaeth am barcio

West Hook Farm Campsite (you must book in advance)



Contact us

Islands Booking Team
Rhif Cyswllt: 01656 724100
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