Brecon Wildlife Group - Colour and Texture in Nature

A natural mandala - symmetrical pattern made out of leaves, sticks and other natural materials

Ysgol Dyffryn y Glowyr

Brecon Wildlife Group - Colour and Texture in Nature

Y Gaer Brecon, Glamorgan Street, Brecon, Powys, LD3 7DW
Brecon Wildlife Watch will be walking from Y Gaer Cultural Hub looking at colours and textures in nature at locations around Brecon.

Event details


2:00pm - 4:00pm
A static map of Brecon Wildlife Group - Colour and Texture in Nature

Ynglŷn â'r digwyddiad

Brecon Wildlife Watch will be walking from Y Gaer Cultural Hub looking at colours and textures in nature at locations (to be confirmed) around Brecon.  We hope to create some natural art from our findings for others to discover.

Please contact Pauline Hill 07957 292235 to book a place.  Places limited.

Wildlife Watch is for children 7 to 12 years old who are mad about nature.  This activity is not suitable for children under 7 years old.  We request one adult to stay with their children. £2 fee towards group running costs and Hedgehog Awards.

Ensure your family members are suitably dressed for the weather forecast.  This could be anything from wellies and water proofs to sun hats and sunscreen at this time of year.

If the weather is appalling then other arrangements will be made.  For updates ensure that you are booked on.


Rhif ffôn


Pris / rhodd

£2 towards running costs and Hedgehog Awards

Gwybodaeth archebu ychwanegol

Please ensure you book on to receive any changes in details due to the weather.

Yn addas ar gyfer

Teuluoedd, Plant

Know before you go


Cŵn tywys yn unig

While dogs are permitted in the areas we will visit, this activity is not suitable for them or to be in the vicinity of  other peoples children.  Therefore I we request that the adult responsible for their children is not also responsible for a dog. Dogs should not be walked close by the group unless they are assistance dogs.


It is likely that we will be walking in areas where there is rough ground and possibly crossing stiles.  Please contact Pauline to discuss details and route options.

Mynediad i gadeiriau olwyn


Dolen glywedol


Beth i'w ddod

See details


Gwybodaeth am barcio

Various carparks around Brecon, most have fees

Parcio beiciau
