Our Community Organising Officer, Marianne, has been working with GROW Cymru, a Swansea based women’s charity. They provide a supportive environment for women to build confidence, learn new skills and achieve their goals. Together, they installed two planters with pollinator friendly flowers in Swansea's city centre. These spots are vital for local pollinators as they provide havens for insects as they travel through an urban jungle. The planters can be enjoyed by passers by and are also home to herbs for the charity to use in their cooking including rosemary, mint and thyme.
Nextdoor Nature - April Update
Find out how communities in Swansea have been helping wildlife to thrive on their doorstep!

At Penclawdd Community Centre locals got muddy installing a brand new bog garden outside their community centre. Plants included Devil’s bit scabious, Purple loosestrife and Yellow flag iris. The hope is that this bog garden will attract a variety of wildlife from dragonflies to newts. All flowers planted were native wildflowers from Celtic Wildflowers. Sian, who lives in Penclawdd and volunteered to help on the day commented 'this was a great opportunity to get the kids outdoors'. We can’t wait to see the bog garden grow and to find out what wildlife starts a home there!