Blog: Cardiff


Trees submerged by murky floodwater water in Bute Park, Cardiff.

Climate Change on my Doorstep

Our Wilder Engagement Officer shares his thoughts on the recent flooding in South Wales, how climate change has affected him and how he's taking action in Cardiff.

Stand for Nature stall at the Red Dragon Centre

Cardiff Projects June Update

It has been a very busy month for us here in Cardiff, with lots of engagement events and practical conservation workdays happening throughout the sunny weather.

Cardiff Stand for Nature group looking at nest boxes

Cardiff projects April update

Itā€™s been a productive few months for the Stand for Nature Cardiff forum! The nest box scheme at Forest Farm has been going really well, lots of the nest boxes are now in use and weā€™re hoping toā€¦

Cardiff local group at Wild Gardens

Working Together at the Wild Gardens Cardiff

Volunteers from the Cardiff Group of WTSWW, Cardiff Universityā€™s Wildlife & Conservation Society, and Cardiffā€™s Stand for Nature Group, all guided by Gareth, Cardiff Councilā€™s Park Ranger forā€¦


Meet our Wilder Engagement Officer, Alex

I am the new Wilder Engagement Officer for Cardiff with the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, and Iā€™ll be working on the Stand for Nature Wales project and the My Wild Cardiff campaign.


WILDer Cardiff

WTSWWā€™s Cardiff Local Group has been thinking about how best to take forward our work following the challenges of Covid and in a way that supports The Trustā€™s My Wild Cardiff initiative. We see aā€¦



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