Common carder bumblebee (Bombus pascuorum) nectaring on a Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) flowerhead among many Common daisies (Bellis perennis) on a lawn left unmown to allow wild flowers to bloom to support pollinating insects, Wiltshire garden, UK, May. - Nick Upton
Gardens for Nature Chat & Workshop: Dusty Forge ACE
About the event
The early spring months are a great time of year to improve our outdoor spaces for wildlife. Come along to this community event to discuss, share, and learn new ways to enhance gardens for nature and people.
The Cardiff Local Nature Partnership are working on several projects to help nature recovery in Cardiff. This series is part of an ongoing project to create accessible nature resources in local community hubs for members of the public.
During this session we will:
- Discuss ways we can take actions in our gardens to make havens for wildlife and ourselves
- Feedback into the Nature Recovery Action Plan for Cardiff
- Have the opportunity to join likeminded people in the wider Cardiff Nature Partnership
- Create & decorate an urban garden pollinator pot. You can take this home to attract bees into your outdoor spaces, while adding some colour to your garden
Hot drinks will be provided.
Transport: We encourage you to walk, cycle or take public transport to the site.