Brecknock Nature Reserve November News

Brecknock Nature Reserve November News

It's been a busy month for our Breckncok team!

At Glasbury Cutting we have installed some small gates which were donated and recycled. This was a great opportunity for everyone to brush up on how to hang a gate. We have been preparing for the second tranche of ash tree works on the reserve which should  further reduce the risk of trees and branches falling on our neighbours and visitors.  We have put out camera traps to check what protected species are there that may need to be considered.  We directed the camera at the holes on the far edge of the reserve.  Who lives there? The answer was rabbits. There were no badgers this time,  but we did capture a picture of what looked like a polecat.

Polecat on trail camera
Brecknock Update November

At Drostre Wood we were able to move a small bench which unfortunately was underneath an ash tree that had started shedding its branches.  Here it is in a new cosy location surrounded by holly.

Drostre Wood volunteers