Wildlife Gardening - March

Wood anemone Anemone nemorosa growing in profusion on woodland floor, Scotland, May - Mark Hamblin/2020VISION

Wildlife Gardening Tips for March

Create a compost heap

A compost heap is a great way of getting rid of your kitchen and garden waste, whilst creating food for your garden and a home for wildlife at the same time. Invertebrates such as beetles and worms will feed on the decaying matter, which in turn will attract Slow Worms, Hedgehogs and Toads.

  1. Choose a sunny spot as this will help the compost rot down more rapidly.
  2. Buy a ready-made container or make one from recycled pieces of timber. Try to have a few gaps in the side of your bin which will allow wildlife such as Slow Worms in and out. Make sure it has a waterproof lid.
  3. Anything green can be put in your compost heap – weeds, fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, paper. Avoid putting in cooked food which will attract rodents, or ash and faeces which will change the condition of the compost.
  4. The compost will be ready when it looks dark brown and earthy.
Slow worm

© Amy Lewis

Meadow management

If you have an established wildflower meadow in its second year or older, you might want to cut it to a height of 50-100mm now to prevent grasses becoming too dominant.