Biodiversity Net Gain

Urban red deer

Red deer ©Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

Biodiversity Net Gain with The Wildlife Trusts

For decades, building development has been a significant cause of nature loss. The new legal requirement in England of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) offers the potential to contribute to nature’s recovery.  

The Wildlife Trusts can assist developers with an appropriate BNG strategy or off-site BNG solutions as part of our habitat-banking approach. We offer experience, knowledge, and expertise in the delivery of high-quality natural habitats, as well as strong connections with local communities. 

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A family of four are at a nature reserve with buildings visible in the background. The father is pointing to show his partner and children something in the distance

Eleanor Church

Biodiversity Net Gain explained

What is Biodiversity Net Gain?

Biodiversity Net Gain is an approach to land management that aims to deliver measurable improvements for nature by creating or enhancing wildlife habitats, rivers and streams, and hedgerows, in association with a new development. 

The Wildlife Trusts have actively contributed to the evolution of the Biodiversity Net Gain approach, with a focus on achieving the highest possible standards for wildlife.

How will Biodiversity Net Gain affect businesses?

The new Biodiversity Net Gain regulations came into effect in early 2024. Developers in England must deliver a minimum 10% increase in biodiversity for new developments, for at least thirty years. For Town and County Planning Developments this came into effect in February 2024, small sites from April 2024, and will come into effect for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) from late 2025. This requirement can be achieved through the development of nature on the site itself, through the development of nature at other sites, or, as a last resort, through the purchase of statutory BNG credits.  

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How do The Wildlife Trusts help deliver Biodiversity Net Gain for businesses?

Consultancy & land management services 

Our experts in ecology, land management, and landscape design, provide advice tailored to local conditions. Our Biodiversity Specialists conduct baseline BNG Assessments and advise upon the options available to developers to achieve their BNG target, offering pragmatic and responsive solutions to risk management and planning obligations.  

Off-site solutions 

It is not always possible to deliver Biodiversity Net Gain on-site. In these circumstances, Wildlife Trusts are in a unique position to provide offsite habitat compensation that aligns with local green infrastructure plans and Nature Recovery Networks. 

Our 'habitat banking' approach to Biodiversity Net Gain delivery allows for the creation of strategically located habitats that support large-scale habitat creation projects delivering a range of other co-benefits for wildlife and society. 

Habitat banking also enables the creation of habitats before any nature loss is caused by development and creates a pipeline of biodiversity credits ready for the development sector - delivering more for nature and providing a greater level of security for buyers. 

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Our Delivery Site at Ludgershall Meadows

Biodiversity Units: Lowland Meadow; Other Neutral Grassland  

As a partner, The Wildlife Trusts offer high quality habitat delivery that offers genuinely additional and permanent gains in biodiversity. This goes well beyond the mandatory 30 years of habitat maintenance, instead offering  benefits to nature in perpetuity. 

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