To enable work across our Gower SSSI nature reserves the project has funded, and we have taken of a new all-terrain vehicle (ATV). Competency training is being arranged for users who need it. We can expect this Honda Pioneer to help us deliver work safely for many years to come.
Woodland Management
Through the project we will also carry out work within our coastal ash woodlands at Redley Cliff and Port Eynon Point. We managed to make a start on this by fitting in the work at Redley Cliff just before bird nesting called a halt to habitat work.
Restoring Coastal Health and Grazing.
Another big element of the project is to restore the coastal heath and establish grazing on Port Eynon Point. In the preparation stage this involved investigation of suitable access, opening up a track last used in the 1950s, and ascertaining and clearing suitable lines for fencing. In order to ensure the SSSI features and fragile habitats are not damaged it has been decided to deliver the work in-house with staff and the volunteer teams doing much of the work. We have a long way to go, 815 metres to be exact, but the first gate has been fitted.
As can be expected with ambitious plans not everything can be foreseen, we discovered that before installing the gate sections of drystone wall needed repair first.