Please note: The footpath that runs alongside the Cyfarthfa leat is closed due to scheduled repair works on the retaining wall. This part of the footpath is physically closed but the rest of the footpath through the reserve is still accessible. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Chris Lawrence
Taf Fechan – Merthyr Tydfil
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open access reserve.Best time to visit
Spring and SummerAbout the reserve
The Taf Fechan LNR comprises about 2.5 km of river with steep valley sides of Carboniferous limestone. The river has eroded the limestone into a narrow gorge in the centre of the site. A mosaic of deciduous woodland on the slopes with a canopy of Beech, Birch and Ash, gives way to Alder and Grey Willow closer to the river, together with Hawthorn scrub, calcareous grassland, heathland, wet flushes, and tufa formations. The valley is one of the best recorded sites for bryophytes in Glamorgan.
The area of grazed grassland to the south on the east bank of the river is particularly rich in flowers such as Wild Thyme, Common Spotted Orchid, Rough Hawkbit and Mouse-ear Hawkweed. On the western bank, the limestone is overlain by acidic soils where heathland and Birch woodland is developing, and Bracken, Heather and Small Scabious occur.
The woodland attracts a variety of birds such as Tawny Owl, Buzzard, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Jay, Nuthatch, and Treecreeper, while Dipper and Grey Wagtail are frequently seen, and breed, on the river Taff Fechan.
The grassland and heathland provide a habitat for butterflies such as Common Blue, Meadow Brown, Small Copper, and Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary.
Of archaeological interest are the old tramway to Cyfarthfa Ironworks, which makes up part of the footpath on the eastern bank, the feeder to the Cyfarthfa Park lake at the southern end of the site, and remains of fulling and corn mills on the river bank.
Please note that the river next to the Gurnos quarry may contain unseen hazards and as a result the Trust does not consider the site suitable for wild swimming or play.
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Robin Davies-Rollinson
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Taf Fechan Nature Reserve - a virtual tour