Variable damselfly
The variable damselfly looks a lot like the azure damselfly, but is much less common throughout most of the UK.
The variable damselfly looks a lot like the azure damselfly, but is much less common throughout most of the UK.
Holly spends as much time as she can outdoors. She finds after a busy day, nature works as a reset button – it helps her to focus, always teaches her something new, and inspires her to work as…
Bringing a piece of your holiday home is a great way of keeping the memories alive – just make sure it’s wildlife-friendly!
Join us at the Welsh Wildlife Centre this October for a month filled with exciting events and activities that celebrate the beauty of nature and the spirit of the season. We can't wait to…
I am a marketing and communications assistant for the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust. My role involves managing the social media pages and website, and even taking a lead on marine comms for the…
The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (WTSWW) and National Grid are working in partnership to improve habitats in the Lower Kenson Valley, Vale of Glamorgan in preparation for the…
Our nature reserves are a refuge for wildlife, one which must be preserved for the prosperity of the species which call it home. Diverse flora and fauna provide essential ecosystem resources, such…
The small white is a common garden visitor. It is smaller than the similar large white, and has less black on its wingtips.
The redwing is a winter visitor, enjoying the feast of seasonal berries the UK's hedgerows, gardens and parks have to offer. Look out for the distinctive orangey-red patches under its wings…
Looking a bit like a ragged version of a dandelion, mouse-ear hawkweed has lemon-yellow flower heads that are tinged with red at their outer edges. It likes grassy places with short turf and…
This comical little duck lives up to its name – look out for the black tuft of feathers on its head!