A medium-sized diving duck, the goldeneye can mainly be spotted in winter when birds fly in from Northern Europe. Conservation efforts have helped small numbers of these birds to nest in Scotland…
A medium-sized diving duck, the goldeneye can mainly be spotted in winter when birds fly in from Northern Europe. Conservation efforts have helped small numbers of these birds to nest in Scotland…
The streamlined red-breasted merganser is a handsome bird and a great fisher - its long, serrated bill helps it to catch and hold its slippery fish prey. It is most commonly spotted around the…
Charlotte is spending her placement year from the University of Cardiff with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust learning valuable surveying and monitoring techniques that she can add to her CV and…
A highly topical talk by Andy King, County Bird Recorder, focusing on curlew, our largest wading bird with the most haunting call.
A highly topical talk by Andy King, County Bird Recorder, focusing on curlew, our largest wading bird with the most haunting call.
Nicolas is a farmer who loves wildlife. Through his passion he has grown a successful bird seed business, and in partnership with The Wildlife Trusts has helped to raise £1 million for…
Nextdoor Nature – a new natural legacy to mark the Queen’s Jubilee
The Canada goose is our most familiar goose, although it is not actually native to the UK. A common and bold bird, it can be found around most parks, lakes, reservoirs and gravel pits.
Mae’n cael ei hystyried fel arwydd cynnar o’r gwanwyn ac mae cân y gog, neu’r gwcw, yn swnio fel ei henw: ‘cwc-w’. Mae i’w chlywed mewn coetiroedd a glaswelltiroedd. Mae’r gog yn enwog am ddodwy…
The black-tailed godwit is a rare breeding bird in the UK that has suffered from dramatic declines. It can most easily be spotted around the coast in winter and at inland wetlands when on…