Common carp
The common carp is a very large fish that is popular with anglers due to its size and fighting spirit. It frequents ponds, gravel pits and lakes, but is not native to the UK, being introduced in…
Yellow corydalis
Yellow corydalis is a familiar 'weed' of gardens, walls and rocky places. It is a garden escapee in the UK, so is not a native plant. Try choosing natives for your garden to prevent…
My quiet life
Jane is the Quality Manager at Sutton in Ashfield based business nmcn one of the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s Business partners. She has kindly shared with us her inspiring wild life story.…
My favourite show
Ben keeps a diary of all the wildlife that he spots. He challenges himself to see new species: if he finds something that he doesn’t recognise, he takes a photograph so that he can look it up.
Reintroducing Ratty to Aberthaw
The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (WTSWW) and National Grid are working in partnership to improve habitats in the Lower Kenson Valley, Vale of Glamorgan in preparation for the…
Our woodlands are a key tool in the box when addressing climate change for their carbon storage potential, but are less well known for their potential to limit flooding events, with wet woodlands…
Ghosts, goblins and witches
This Halloween, discover some of our most spooktacular species.
Hogweed can be found along hedgerows and roadside verges, and on waste ground and rough grassland. It displays umbrella-like clusters of creamy-white flowers. It's native, unlike its relative…
Sea-buckthorn is a spiny, thicket-forming shrub of sand dunes. It's native to the east coast of England but considered an invasive species elsewhere. It is most obvious in autumn when it is…
Living Lawns
The Wildlife Trusts and Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) are calling on gardeners to reimagine their lawns this summer as they launch their ‘Bring your lawn to life’ initiative on Wednesday 22nd…
New Species of ‘Bug’ Discovered in the Cardigan Bay Region!
Cardigan Bay Volunteer Brent Wilson has discovered a new species of Bug! Brent’s work shows that there are still novel aspects of Cardigan Bay marine wildlife yet to be discovered!