Wood avens
Look for wood avens along hedgerows and in woodlands. Its yellow flowers appear in spring and provide nectar for insects; later, they turn to red, hooked seedheads that can easily stick to a…
The fearsome-looking hornet may not be a well-loved insect, but it is actually much less aggressive than the common wasp. It is also an important pollinator and a predator of species that feed on…
Lakes come in many forms: some are splendid and clear, while others are more reminiscent of a murky swamp. Each lake is strongly influenced by the underlying lakebed and the surrounding landscape…
Dinefwr/Dynefor Castle Woods, Llandeilo
Lowland mixed deciduous woodland, castle and quarry on the Llandeilo series of Ordovician rock which is of national importance.
Glossy ibis
This glossy wading bird is a scarce visitor to the UK, though records have become more common in recent decades.
Common wasp
Wasps are well-known, and unfortunately not very well-loved! But give these black and yellow guys a chance, as they are important pollinators and pest controllers.
Sea slater
These little critters are related to the woodlice you find in your garden and play a very important role on rocky shores.
Sea mat
These mat like growths found on kelp and seaweed are actually colonies of tiny individuals animals.
Common eelgrass
This seagrass species is a kind of flowering plant that lives beneath the sea, providing an important habitat for many rare and wonderful species.
Sea mouse
This strange furry creature often found washed ashore after storms is actually a kind of worm!
European seabass
Seabass is a seafood favourite, appearing on menus throughout the UK. But it's in trouble in UK seas, with much of the seabass we eat imported from European fish farms.