Restore Nature Now!
On Saturday 22nd June 2024 staff, volunteers and members of The Wildlife Trust of South & West Wales joined over a 60,000 people and 350 charities on a march to parliament to demand…
Moth discovery in Brecknock!
The Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (WTSWW), in partnership with Brecknock Moth Group, has discovered a new record for the White-Barred Clearwing moth at Ystrad Fawr nature reserve. This is…
My new life
Working full time in a windowless room cut Sonja off from the natural world around her; but spending time in wild places has helped her to discover herself since a shock diagnosis two years ago.…
Local Groups
Our local groups raise the profile of the Trust in their communities and have always been at the core of our Trust's work.
My world
I'm Gemma, the Marine Conservation Apprentice at Cornwall Wildlife Trust. Originally from the Channel Islands, I've grown up stumbling over the rocky shore and snorkelling over hazy…
My outreach
Elliott has turned his passion for the natural world into study and that study into a career. He now spends his days sharing his wildlife knowledge with people of all ages, from 4-year-old’s…
Dowrog Common
An extensive tract of wet and dry heath with pools and fen, in the upper reaches of the River Alun. This diverse site supports over 350 species of flowering plants including the Lesser Butterfly…
Biodiversity Net Gain
My experiment
Simon has been restoring Wild Meadows for three years. By planting trees, digging a lake and sowing meadows, he is showing how quickly wildlife like otters, badgers and tawny owls can return, and…
My recovery plan
Michelle was diagnosed with breast cancer in the summer of 2014. After undergoing a life-saving operation and an intensive chemotherapy course, she is on the road to recovery.
My timeout
Jessica-Jane Applegate MBE is a Paralympic and World Champion swimmer. She spends so much time training and rushing around from one venue to another, her favourite place is her garden. Here she…