My therapy
Laurence suffers less from depression since he started conserving orchards. Playing a part in the management of places which support wildlife is proven to improve wellbeing, and you don’t need to…
Water figwort
Water figwort is a tall plant of riverbanks, pond margins, damp meadows and wet woodlands. Its maroon flowers are pollinated by the Common wasp.
The delicate, tube-like, violet-blue flowers of Skullcap bloom from June to September in damp places, such as marshes, fens, riverbanks and pond margins.
Muntjac deer
The muntjac deer was introduced into the UK from China in the 20th century. It has gained a stronghold in southeast England, where it can cause damage to our woods through browsing.
Dormice.... and Deer!
Our Wildlife Trust Brecknock Dormouse volunteers have been busy checking boxes at two sites at Halfway Forest, near Llandovery and a site at Crychan Forest, near Tirabad.
Living Lawns
The Wildlife Trusts and Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) are calling on gardeners to reimagine their lawns this summer as they launch their ‘Bring your lawn to life’ initiative on Wednesday 22nd…
Toasting the Swifts In Brecon!
The Brecon Swift Group are working on an exciting new project funded by the Brecon Beacons National Park Local Nature Partnership and supported by Pauline Hill, WTSWW's People and Wildlife…
Puss moth
The puss moth is a large and fluffy moth, with a very strange looking caterpillar.
English elm
Due to the devastating effects of Dutch elm disease in the 20th century, the English elm is rarely found as large tree, but is more common as a shrub along hedgerows, or sometimes in woodlands.…
Hairy-footed flower bee
The hairy-footed flower bee can be seen in gardens and parks in spring and summer, visiting tubular flowers like red dead-nettle and comfrey. As its name suggests, it has long, orange hairs on its…