My memories
Richard used to work in the docks across the water from Thurrock Thameside Nature Park. Since his wife died, he likes to get away from the hustle and bustle, coming out with his dog to escape and…
Richard used to work in the docks across the water from Thurrock Thameside Nature Park. Since his wife died, he likes to get away from the hustle and bustle, coming out with his dog to escape and…
Windy, open moors covered in bright yellow, spiky common gorse bushes and purple heathers are synonymous with what we call 'wild' landscapes, but it can be seen in many habitats, from…
Living up to its name, the Robin's pincushion is a red, round, hairy growth that can be seen on wild roses. It is caused by the larvae of a tiny gall wasp that feeds on the host plant, but…
The Yew is a well-known tree of churchyards, but also grows wild on chalky soils. Yew trees can live for hundreds of years, turning into a maze of hollow wood and fallen trunks beneath dense…
Common cow-wheat is a delicate annual that brightens up the edges of acid woodland and heaths with deep golden flowers in the summer.
Our most familiar wild violet, the Common dog-violet can be spotted in a range of habitats from woodland to grassland, hedgerows to pastures. Its pansy-like, purple flowers appear from April to…
This reserve is a good example of a traditional wildflower meadow, a rare habitat in these days of intensively managed farmland where large quantities of both fertiliser and grazing animals are…
Cadwch lygad am y glöyn byw bychan, Glesyn y Celyn, yn eich gardd neu barc lleol. Dyma'r glöyn byw glas cyntaf i ymddangos yn y gwanwyn, ac mae ail genhedlaeth yn ymddangos yn yr haf. Mae…
This large green moth rests with its wings spread, so is sometimes mistaken for a butterfly.
This metallic green beetle can be seen visiting flowers on sunny days in spring and summer.
Mae'r trilliw bach tlws yn ymwelydd gardd cyfarwydd sydd i'w weld yn bwydo ar flodau drwy gydol y flwyddyn yn ystod cyfnodau cynnes. Gall oedolion sy'n gaeafu ddod o hyd i fannau…
John has been attending the Recovery Project at Idle Valley Nature Reserve for three years. After being diagnosed with dyslexia and getting bullied for several years at school, he was left with…