Send a 'letter to the Editor'
Sending letters 'to the Editor' of local newspapers is another great way to speak up for wildlife.
Sending letters 'to the Editor' of local newspapers is another great way to speak up for wildlife.
We are delighted to announce that our Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (WTSWW) Parc Slip Visitor Centre and Café opened its doors after almost two years of being closed on Saturday 29th…
This purply-brown seaweed is a common feature on our rocky shores and on our dinner plates.
The lesser-black backed gull can be spotted around the coast in summer, with the biggest colony on Walney Island, Cumbria. Look for it over fields, landfill sites and reservoirs during winter.
Due to popular demand, our Welsh Learner Guided Walk is back in 2025 on Monday 19th July!
Brecknock Local Group Letter Printed by RHS!
Ann and her husband nurture and cultivate specialist sphagnum mosses and vascular plants like bog cranberry for a community area of the moss: they’re kickstarting the vegetation growth on Little…
A 'weed' of cultivated and disturbed ground, Round-leaved fluellen is a trailing plant with round leaves and yellow flowers that appear over summer.
The carnivorous lifestyle of the round-leaved sundew makes this heathland plant a fascinating species. The round leaves have sticky, 'dew'-covered tendrils that tempt in unsuspecting…
A tall orchid of woodland and scrub, the broad-leaved helleborine has greenish, purple-tinged flowers that look a little 'drooping'. Strongly veined, oval leaves spiral around its stem…
The black-headed gull is actually a chocolate-brown headed gull! And for much of the year, it's head even turns white. Look out for it in large, noisy flocks on a variety of habitats.
Ground-elder was likely introduced into the UK by the Romans and has since become naturalised. A medium-sized umbellifer, it is an invasive weed of shady places, gardens and roadsides.