Habitat Connectivity for Red Squirrels and Grey Squirrels for Conservation Efforts for The Mid Wales Red Squirrel Project
MRes completed by Kornelia Twardowska, September 2024, at Nottingham Trent University.
Cardiff projects April update
It’s been a productive few months for the Stand for Nature Cardiff forum! The nest box scheme at Forest Farm has been going really well, lots of the nest boxes are now in use and we’re hoping to…
Great crested newt
With its prominent, wavy crest, the great crested newt, also known as the 'warty newt', looks like a mini dinosaur! This protected species favours clean ponds during the breeding season…
Meet The 2023 Skomer Island Team
The arrival of May has seen our seabirds starting to lay and our researchers are hard at work monitoring their productivity. But the changing season has also brought a flurry of new staff to the…
One of the joys of a spring day is watching a fluttering, lemon-yellow brimstone alight on a flower - an early sign that the seasons are changing. It is commonly spotted in gardens, woodland and…
Winter Activities at the Welsh Wildlife Centre
Discover a range of exciting events at the Welsh Wildlife Centre this festive season!
Watch what you wash away
Some cosmetics, soaps, washing-up liquids and cleaning products can be harmful to wildlife with long-lasting effects.
Little tern
Found around our coasts during the breeding season, the little tern is a diminutive seabird. Despite its size, it performs remarkable aerial courtship displays.
The hawfinch is the UK's largest finch, with an enormous bill powerful enough to crush a cherry stone. Despite their size, they are typically elusive, especially during the summer nesting…
Black-throated diver
The streamlined black-throated diver is a superb swimmer and diver, but not so graceful on land! During the summer, the distinctive black patch on its throat appears, heralding the breeding season…
Black guillemot
Look out for the black guillemot all year-round at scattered coastal sites in Scotland, England, Wales and the Isle of Man. It tends not to travel far between seasons, breeding and wintering in…