Reddish buff
A very rare species, this moth is now limited to one site in the UK. Males can be a striking reddish buff in colour.
A very rare species, this moth is now limited to one site in the UK. Males can be a striking reddish buff in colour.
This worm builds its own home out of bits of shell and sand. It can be spotted on the shore all around the UK.
This black and grey solitary bee takes to the wing in spring, when it can be seen buzzing around burrows in open ground.
Spot these giants of the bumblebee world during springtime. They can be seen buzzing from flower to flower getting their pollen fix.
Considered Britain's most threatened butterfly, the high brown fritillary can be only be found in a few areas of England and Wales.
A small colourful sea slug that can be found grazing on sea mats on the rocky shore and beyond the low water mark.
This stocky wader is mostly a winter visitor to the UK, where it can be found on rocky, seaweed-covered coasts, often with groups of turnstones.
Field elm suffered declines due to the devastating effects of Dutch elm disease, but can still be found across much of the UK.
These moths can be seen flying on sunny days, but you're more likely to spot the fuzzy caterpillars crawling over paths.
The waxwing is a colourful winter visitor. It can often be spotted in large flocks in berry-laden bushes in towns, car parks and gardens.
A beautiful, tiny fungus, green elf cup can be commonly found on the decomposing wood of deciduous trees in woods, parks and gardens.
The brown rat has a bad reputation, but it mostly lives side-by-side with us without any problems. It can be seen in any habitat.