Meet Our New Field Assistant, Ellie
I am excited to be starting a placement year with the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales where I will be working as part of the Engagement Team as a Field Assistant.
I am excited to be starting a placement year with the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales where I will be working as part of the Engagement Team as a Field Assistant.
The Wildlife Trusts’ annual marine review reflects on the ebb and flow of sightings and successes – and the risks to wildlife around UK shores.
WTSWW Brecknock meets Royalty!
King Charles and Queen Camilla were in Brecon on Wednesday 20th July 2023. Their visits included celebrating the centenary of Brecon Cathedral as well as the…
An attractive, green-and-yellow bird, the siskin regularly visits birdtables and feeders in gardens. Look for the bright yellow barring on its black wings, and the black crown of the males.
The nooks and crannies of rocky reefs are swimming with wildlife, from tiny fish to colourful anemones. When shoreline rocks are exposed by the low tide, the rockpools that form are a refuge for…
Healthy wetlands store carbon and slow the flow of water, cleaning it naturally and reducing flood risk downstream. They support an abundance of plant life, which in turn provide perfect shelter,…
Derek, known to many as just DKT, was a former chair of Glamorgan Wildlife Trust, a Trustee of the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales (WTSWW) from 2002 to 2011, and involved with Wildlife…
Wildlife Trust Officer, Rebecca Killa, tells us how Lakeland's #WILDFundraiser is supporting our work to restore Marsh fritillary habitat in South Wales.