Our commitment to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)
Paws for thought
The UK is a nation of both dog lovers and nature lovers, but are those two passions compatible? We spoke to some Wildlife Trust staff who balance both.
Our Wilder Strategy
Upland birch wood
Elegant, airy woodlands of silver-barked birches found across the northern uplands. Often transient in feel, with scattered trees growing over the heathy field layer of the surrounding moorland,…
Thank you
Red-crested pochard
This striking duck was introduced to the UK and is now established as a breeding bird in England.
Thrill of sea creature discoveries in 2022 undermined by huge threats to marine life
The Wildlife Trusts’ annual marine review reflects on the ebb and flow of sightings and successes – and the risks to wildlife around UK shores.
Meet our Wilder Engagement Officer, Alex
I am the new Wilder Engagement Officer for Cardiff with the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, and I’ll be working on the Stand for Nature Wales project and the My Wild Cardiff campaign.
Making the Save our Taff Campaign video!
Our Stand for Nature member Raph writes about her experience creating the Save our Taff campaign video so far.